COVID-19: Keeping kids learning in lockdown

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The Covid-19 epidemic has been affecting people worldwide and changing their daily lives. Schools have been temporarily shut down to protect children’s health and everyone has an impending sense of confusion.Although we recognize that the need for the hour is social-distancing steps, there is no denying that this has placed […]

Technological Insight, Creativity and Manufacturing Skills

Avatar photo Vivek Sharma

E-learning uses technology to access knowledge about the curriculum outside of a traditional classroom. The e-learning system allows the transmission of skills and knowledge to a broad audience 24/7.Today e-learning is the most commonly recognized method of training sessions and services by international companies worldwide for professionals. Additionally, e-learning has […]

जीवन में परिवार का महत्व

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एक इंसान के जीवन में परिवार का बहुत महत्व होता हैं यू भी माना जाता है कि बिना परिवार इन्सान का कोई विशेष मोल नही होता परिवार हमारा हौसला हमारी हिम्मत हमारी पहचान होती है एक बेहतर समाज के निर्माण के लिए यह महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका अदा करता है परिवार एकता […]

How to Create a Website: Simple Steps

Avatar photo Vivek Sharma

Below is our step-by – step guide to the development of a good website. Decide the website’s primary objective: A business website is generally used as a space to provide general information about your business, or as a direct e-commerce platform. Whether you’re creating a simple website that tells you […]