Microsoft starts swaping edge by edge on Windows 10 PCs

Avatar photo Vivek Sharma
Spaka News

Coming to a PC near you soon: an Edge browser based on Chromium.
According to company support documents, Microsoft has begun pushing the Chromium-based Edge browser to Windows 10 users through the Windows Update program.

“This update will automatically be downloaded and activated from Windows Update,” said one of three supporting papers, named KB4541301, KB4541302 and KB4541309.

These documents spelled out previous updates required for the auto-download of the Edge, the versions of Windows carried out by the Edge download-and-install-1809, 1903, 1909 and the latest 2004-and what data should migrate from the old Edge to the new one.

Earlier this week, Ghacks posted on the help documents and their signage of a start to automated downloading by Edge.

Edge 83, the current version since May 21, when Microsoft restarted the numbering of the browser, will be offered to the systems served by Windows Update Microsoft, like Chrome, halted updates for several weeks, late March to early April, due to the coronavirus pandemic; to make up for lost time, both Chrome and Edge missed version 82, updating directly from 81 to 83.

The support documents trio did not lay out whether companies will be auto-downloaded by Edge, but linked to previous pieces that Microsoft has posted. It was clear from those documents that original plans for Microsoft, first announced in January, have not changed.

Spaka News

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