Benefits of cPanel for hosting your reseller account

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Spaka News

The strength of cPanel is multifold. The shortest way to say it is-maximum power! You will completely monitor and manage every step of the way, from your goods and services to your customers and sub-resellers. It’s a one-click gui that allows you to manage your entire company.

As a user of Reseller Hosting, you want to make sure not only you but also your clients get the most out of your services. CPanel ‘s advantages are broad and extend from you to your clients. Here are the top five advantages of cPanel:

  1. User Interface Interactive
    The cPanel has a user-friendly and easy-to – navigate interface. The ease of use can help both you and your clients, along with several features that make it easy to monitor all website and server-related functions. You can reboot your system with one-click features, or even shut it off remotely if required. You don’t need any technical skills to handle the cPanel and run it.
  1. Highly Tailored
    Highly customizable, cPanel allows you to align it with your brand identity. You can add custom URL branding, make HTML customizations, and even add the company logo to make it look and sound fully compatible with the company. It also allows you to brand yourself, nameserver. With cPanel, you can do a lot and use multiple tips to use cPanel to manage your website.
  2. Easy Account Management
    From billing, sales, invoices to reports — cPanel makes all aspects of your reseller hosting account easy for you to control and manage. With added features like setting automated discounts, and multiple pre-integrated gateways of payment, you can manage your pricing. Not all of this! You can also easily list transactions with customers and get a detailed risk assessment and tax reports.It simplifies critical daily activities that keep the company running and rising.
  3. Efficient management of the list and of orders
    Whether it’s contact lists or command lists, cPanel allows you to manage lists and orders efficiently. You can add or scan for clients, add or receive comprehensive contact details, check out pending order lists, add funds to your customer accounts, and much more that allows full inventory management — all in one location and with easy one-click functions.
  4. Offers Customer Confidence
    Without mentioning how it benefits not only you but your customers, cPanel ‘s benefits are incomplete. As a user of Reseller Hosting offering complete product and customer satisfaction is without a doubt one of your top priorities and cPanel helps you to offer just that.Your customers will be able to monitor their purchases easily, have a full summary of their account, easily show payable and pending invoices — and much more with a single account that allows for everything!

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