रविवार का राशिफ़ल: जानिए कैसा रहेगा आपका दिन :07 जून 2020

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रविवार का पंचांगसूर्य उत्तरायण। सूर्य उत्तर गोल। ग्रीष्म त्रृतु। सायं 4 बजकर 30 मिनट से 6 बजे तक राहुकालम्। 7 जून 2020, रविवार–17 ज्येष्ठ (सौर) शक 1942-24 ज्येष्ठ मास प्रविष्टे 2077-14 शव्वाल सन् हिजरी 1441 आषाढ़ शुक्ल द्वितीया रात्रि 8 बज कर *56 मिनट तक उपरांत तृतीया, मूल नक्षत्र *मध्याह्न […]

शनिवार के दिन किसी को नफा, किसी को नुकसान, जानें आपके भाग्य में है क्या : 06 जून राशिफल

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? आज का सुविचार ?“बहुत ही आसान है,ज़मीं पर मकान बना लेना…दिल में जगह बनाने मेंज़िन्दगी गुज़र जाती है..!!!” पंचांग 6 जून 2020 के अनुसार आज ज्येष्ठ मास की शुक्ल पक्ष की प्रतिपदा तिथि है. आज साघ्य योग है और दिशा शूल पूर्व दिशा है. मेष: आज आपका दिन खुशनुमा […]

World Environment Day : View of Shimla

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The best recognized day for sustainable action is World Environment Day. It has been celebrated annually since 1974 on 5 June; involving governments, corporations, celebrities and people to concentrate their attention on a pressing environmental issue. Shimla is Famous for his beautiful environment “Let us give a healthier and happier […]


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Do you like to cheat in your games, or seek to find some advantage? Then check out our range of software to patch and hack games on Android > > > 1.PATCHER LUCKY-Lucky Patcher is a ‘modifier’ app for unlimited games access and play store access. This app has a […]

Kathak Dance Tips

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The training starts every day with a guru vandana. “We see guru as being on the same pedestal as God. Therefore we take the blessings of our guru every day before putting on the ghungroo. After that we begin to dance “Students are being prepared according to how much they […]

COVID-19: Keeping kids learning in lockdown

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The Covid-19 epidemic has been affecting people worldwide and changing their daily lives. Schools have been temporarily shut down to protect children’s health and everyone has an impending sense of confusion.Although we recognize that the need for the hour is social-distancing steps, there is no denying that this has placed […]

Technological Insight, Creativity and Manufacturing Skills

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E-learning uses technology to access knowledge about the curriculum outside of a traditional classroom. The e-learning system allows the transmission of skills and knowledge to a broad audience 24/7.Today e-learning is the most commonly recognized method of training sessions and services by international companies worldwide for professionals. Additionally, e-learning has […]

जीवन में परिवार का महत्व

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एक इंसान के जीवन में परिवार का बहुत महत्व होता हैं यू भी माना जाता है कि बिना परिवार इन्सान का कोई विशेष मोल नही होता परिवार हमारा हौसला हमारी हिम्मत हमारी पहचान होती है एक बेहतर समाज के निर्माण के लिए यह महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका अदा करता है परिवार एकता […]