Migraine: What it is?
Migraine is a complex condition which causes severe throbbing pain or a discomforting pulsing sensation, most often on either side of the head. Migraine is characterized by recurrent attacks of headache with variable intensity, frequency, and duration of each attack. It is more commonly seen in woman.
Types Of Migraine:
Migraine is most prominently of two types.
- Migraine with aura: Migraine with aura is also known as Classical Migraine. In this type, the attack is usually preceded by an aura (neurological symptoms) like visual disturbance, hemisensory symptoms, hemiparesis, or dysphasia. Visual aura is the most common. The aura usually develops over 5-20 minutes and lasts for less than 60 minutes. It is followed by a headache, nausea, and/or photophobia. The discomforting headache may last for 4 to 72 hours.
- Migraine without aura: This is the most common variety and it occurs in about 90% of females with migraine. In this type, the headache occurs episodically and is not preceded by an aura. The headache may be caused due to an emotional state, such as stress, euphoria, or any strong light or odor. The headache builds up gradually and is mostly unilateral. The headache is often associated with nausea, vomiting, intolerance to food or strong odors and light.
There are other variants of migraine which are not so common. They are as below.
- Basilar migraine
- Ophthalmoplegic migraine
- Retinal migraine
- Benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood
Homeopathic Treatment For Migraine:

Migraine is mainly considered as a psychosomatic illness. Psychosomatic meaning interaction between the ‘psych’ i.e. mind and ‘soma’ i.e. body, where the illness is aggravated by a mental factor. Mental stress due to anger, frustration, grief, etc. can act as a major triggering factor for migraine. Homeopathic medicines act on the ‘psych’ of the patient, thus reducing the ill-effects of the causative stress.
The homeopathic medicine is selected based on the similarity of the patient’s symptoms. The patient’s physical and mental constitution is taken into consideration and then the medicine is chosen.
Homeopathic treatment is very effective in treating migraine. The homeopathic remedies help in reducing the intensity and frequency of the migraine attacks. It also helps in gradually reducing the dose of conventional treatment.
Duration Of Treatment:
The duration of treatment depends on these factors.

- The duration of Migraine
- The frequency of Migraine episodes
- The severity of each attack
Depending on these factors, the duration of the treatment can last from 6 months to 2 years or longer.
A few homeopathic remedies that can be effectively utilized for migraine according to the symptom similarity of the clinical condition of migraine are mentioned below:
- Belladonna
- Gelsemium
- Natrum mur
- Spigelia
- Iris Versicolor
- Glonoine
Due to its chronic nature various cognate or complementary remedies need to be used during the curative process of Migraine and Over the counter use of above said drugs for controlling migraine pain is completely prohibited and use of Homoeopathic medicine under the constant supervision of homoeopathic expert is highly recommended for better and permanent results in the management of Migraine.
For expert opinion Kindly contact
Dr. Nitin Kumar Saklani
BHMS, MD (Hom)
RRI (H), Shimla
C-5, Lane -2, Sector 2
New shimla – 171009
## 8744021902, 8240350526
### 0177-2670450